Summer Guide to Pest Control in Virginia

Jun 23, 2022

Summer is here! It’s time to enjoy the sunshine and spend time outdoors with your loved ones. While everyone loves the warm weather, it also brings with it plenty of pests that can be annoying, cause discomfort, and even be dangerous for you, your home, and your family. These are some of the most common summer pests in Virginia along with ways to prevent them from “bugging” you this summer.

What are the Most Common Pests in the Summer and What Can I Do? 

So, what pests are most likely to be seen hanging around your home and yard this summer, and how dangerous are they? What can you do to get rid of existing infestations and prevent new ones? Let’s explore. 

  • Spiders – Many people are fearful of or just don’t like these 8-legged arachnids, but most species of spiders found in Virginia are harmless to humans and can even help you with your pest control by eating the bugs that hide in corners of your home. The two major exceptions are the black widow spider and the brown recluse, both of which are considered a serious health risk if bitten. Both species are reclusive, preferring to live in undisturbed areas such as the corners of your basement, attic, or garage, and they’ll only bite if they feel threatened, so the best way to avoid being bitten is to watch where you place your hands or where you step if you’re in an area where they could be living. If you are bitten by one of these spider species, seek medical help immediately. If you see spider activity that concerns you, contact U.S. Pest Control for spider control
  • Mosquitoes – Mosquito activity is at its peak between April and October. These annoying pests are likely to crash your 4th of July cookout, and they’re out for blood – literally. Mosquitoes carry a number of diseases including the West Nile virus, Zika, malaria, yellow fever, dengue, encephalitis, and Chikunguny. The good news is that you can proactively diminish the mosquito population around your home and U.S. Pest can help with the Home Secure Mosquito Package
  • Bees, Hornets and Wasps– The warm summer weather brings out stinging insects in droves. While bees do play an important role in our ecosystem, they can pose a serious threat to your family and pets and even cause structural damage to walls, chimneys, and roofs of homes. The best way to prevent bee, wasp or hornet infestations is to proactively inspect your property and, if you see evidence of an infestation, schedule a professional bee and wasp exterminator to safely treat the area. 
  • Termites – Termites are especially active in the summer, and they’ll eat away at your house all day and night if left untreated, causing severe structural damage that is expensive to fix. In fact, termite damage costs American homeowners $5 billion/year. The best way to prevent this is to regularly monitor for signs of termite damage and have a proactive termite control plan in place to stop termite infestations before they begin. 
  • Ants – The most common ants to see in Virginia are Argentine ants, carpenter ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, and red imported fire ants. Carpenter ants, much like termites, eat wood and can cause severe structural damage to homes, while fire ants cause painful stings that take weeks to heal if you accidentally step in one of their mounds. You can identify fire ants by the mounds of sand-like soil they build, so watch your step this summer! Even house ants have the potential to carry bacteria and fungus into the home, and if you’re seeing ants, there are a lot more that you’re not seeing. The best way to avoid these ant problems is to identify an ant infestation early and schedule an ant control treatment to kill the entire colony. 
  • Fleas and Ticks – Everyone loves pets, including fleas and ticks. Unfortunately, these bloodthirsty pests are only in it for a meal. Ticks don’t typically enjoy being in houses but can be brought in by pets. Fleas and ticks can both bite humans as well and have the potential to spread disease, most notably Lyme disease. Infestation can be prevented by cleaning your pet’s bedding and treating dogs with flea and tick shampoos. For active infestations, U.S. Pest Control offers solutions for flea and tick extermination.
  • Roaches – Nobody likes seeing roaches crawling around the house. Cockroach activity can exacerbate asthma and allergy symptoms and infect food with bacteria.  While the most common roaches are German roaches (they’re the little ones that live indoors in moist areas, i.e., underneath sinks, near pipes), Virginia also has a few species of outdoor roaches such as the American cockroach, European cockroach, and various species of wood roaches. The best way to prevent roach infestations is to keep a clean home free of food debris that attracts them and inspect underneath your sinks and other moist areas of the home regularly. If you see concerning cockroach activity, contact U.S. Pest Control for roach extermination solutions
  • Centipedes and Millipedes – These occasional home invading pests are interesting to look at, but they can bite and cause serious allergic reactions, so it’s best to keep an eye out and avoid them. If you see an abnormal amount of centipede or millipede activity in your home, U.S. Pest Control can provide a customized pest control solution for you. 

Hopefully, this knowledge helps you protect your home, family, and pets as you enjoy the nice summer weather  - pest-free! 

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