Because spiders feed on other smaller insects like mosquitoes, bees, and ants, the appearance of spiders might be an indication of a larger insect infestation in your home. US Pest control has the experience to get to the bottom of your infestation problem. Give us a call at 804-788-0800.
The most common spiders found in the household include the Parasteatoda Tepidariorum, Long-Bodied Cellar, and Brown Recluse Spider. These spiders can be found in many areas of your house, including garages, sheds, basements, and crawl spaces. Some spiders are attracted to moist areas while other spiders tend to live in hidden spaces where they can find food and water.
Some spiders do have venom in their fangs that have the potential to harm humans, however, their fangs are often too small to pierce human skin. Spider bites are a nuisance and can cause itchy irritated skin and infection.
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